I’ve been marveling that not a week goes by (sometimes not a day) without something brand new happening, that’s never happened before in the school’s 30 years. Here’s (one of) this week’s first-time happenings, an interesting cascade of events:
- Wireless internet access device malfunctions briefly.
- Student loses internet connection.
- Student connects laptop to empty port on the wall (that looks like an internet connection).
- Empty port is really an unused TELEPHONE connection.
- Computer connected to phone port shorts out the two phone lines, causing loss of dial tone to all phones.
- Somebody notices the phones aren’t working.
- While troubleshooting, the fire alarm panel is briefly disconnected from the phone line.
- When reconnected, fire alarm system is reset.
- One fire alarm sensor fails to reset properly.
- Because of failed reset, fire alarm goes off… just as 12 buses start arriving for pickups.
- Trained students and staff stream out of the building into the backyard.
- Smart fire alarm system calls 911.
- Swatara Township sirens go off and fire department is dispatched.
- Bus drivers look impatient, some honk.
- Parents arriving in cars are trapped by motionless buses.
- Architect and engineer arrive for new building design session.
- Staff improvise.
- All’s well.
This morning we covered the empty telephone port.
Jim Rietmulder
Would love to see a dramatic re-enactment of this bullet list.
Oh my! What a “fun” filled start to the school year. I’m breathless.
You can’t make this stuff up! It is way too wonderful. Just lucky you had your resourceful and unfazeable student body there.
I agree with Andy G. A re-enactment would be Spectacular! I think by the end of a day like that, all I could do is laugh. Excellent blog post Jim. Thank you!