The Circle School Blog

An occasional thing

The Circle School Blog

or Ten Things That Matter More Than Grades

Grades get way too much credit. Sure, they might tell you how well you memorized for a test, but they don’t measure your ability to manage your life, work with people, or find happiness.

So, what actually matters? For our soon-to-be graduates, headed for college and the world, here are ten things I hope you’ve gotten during your time here at The Circle School. We didn’t give you report cards, but these will serve you better.

1. Curiosity  The world belongs to the question-askers. Want to know how to build a rocket, bake the perfect cookie, or survive without WiFi? Curiosity is a superpower.

2. Self-Motivation  No one is going to follow you around with a gold star in adulthood. Whether it’s launching a business or just finally folding your own laundry, motivation matters more than a grade on a test you already forgot about.

3. Resilience  Life is basically a series of plot twists. The people who bounce back (instead of dramatically flopping onto the floor) are the ones who thrive — and love life.

4. Critical Thinking  When the internet tells you that cream cheese cures acne, you’ll want this skill. Being able to separate fact from fiction is way more useful than memorizing the periodic table (but you might want to do that, too, if you’re into chemistry).

5. Collaboration  If you can work well with others, you can survive group projects, roommates, and maybe even family road trips. Plus, most big ideas come from teamwork, not solo geniuses locked in a room.

6. Creativity  Whether you’re solving a problem or decorating your first tiny apartment, thinking outside the box will get you further than knowing how mitochondria power cells (but you might to know that, too, if you’re into biology).

7. Emotional Intelligence  Reading the room is a life hack. Know when to negotiate, when to listen, and when to walk away. Also, if your friend says they’re “fine,” you should probably dig a little deeper.

8. Decision-Making Skills  “What should we eat for dinner?” is a trick question designed to cause chaos. Good decision-making prevents the endless “I don’t know, what do you want?” loop.

9. Sense of Purpose  Finding what excites you in life is better than chasing an A on a subject you secretly despise. Passion leads to amazing things — plus, it makes it easier to get out of bed on Monday mornings.

10. Happiness & Well-Being  Really, the best measure of success is whether you’re enjoying the ride. No report card in the world beats a life well-lived.

Grades might open some doors — so work on that, when the time is right — but the things that really shape your life aren’t measured by test scores. Whether you’re navigating school, work, or just trying to decide what to do next, remember: curiosity, resilience, and a sense of purpose will take you further than any GPA ever could.

So, worry less about grades and more about the stuff that actually matters, like a zombie apocalypse. And have fun, too.

Jim Rietmulder




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This post was assisted by AI in research, organization, and clarity. The illustration was partially created by AI.