by Jim Rietmulder | Aug 27, 2021 | Ideas
At first glance, you might get the wrong idea from the title of my book, When Kids Rule the School. You might think kids are in charge in some sort of absolute way. It’s not that simple. The publishers didn’t like my working title: “Kids Practicing...
by Jim Rietmulder | Apr 13, 2021 | Ideas, Public policy
I’m disappointed by America’s dysfunctional politics. And I bet you are, too. What really gets to me is the hyper-polarization and aggressive non-cooperation. I want to yell “Grow up, America!” — but that might be insulting to the kids I work with. For me it’s...
by Jim Rietmulder | Nov 20, 2020 | Meadow Campus, Uncategorized
After 10 years of working waking dreams, The Circle School broke ground in fall 2016 to build our forever home on the Meadow Campus — where I’m sitting now, writing this. Recently the school published a final project report for more than 175 alumni,...
by Jim Rietmulder | Feb 8, 2018 | Ideas, Play, Public policy
Last week I traveled to Philadelphia to hear a talk by research psychologist Peter Gray, founder of the Alliance for Self-Directed Education. Dr Gray spoke at Philly Free School, which is, like The Circle School, a self-directed democratic school. Dr Gray starts from...
by Jim Rietmulder | Aug 10, 2015 | Daily life, Public policy
Today The Circle School releases a study of its graduates, casting the school in a very favorable light. Our graduates go to college at high rates: 84% of those who were here for 4 years of high school, and 91% of our “lifers.” Nationwide the rate among...