by Jim Rietmulder | Apr 8, 2015 | Ideas, Public policy
After 30 years of answering questions about The Circle School, new ones don’t come along very often. Last night I answered a new one. At Millersville University’s Alternative Education Forum, I delivered the keynote address. The event organizer, Dr. Scott...
by Jim Rietmulder | Feb 14, 2015 | Meadow Campus
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 14, 2015 FROM: The Circle School Contact: Jim Rietmulder 717-564-6700 CIRCLE SCHOOL TO BUILD A SCHOOL WITH NO CLASSROOMS The Circle School of Swatara Township announced today its plans to relocate to an 8-acre site a...
by Jim Rietmulder | Sep 26, 2014 | Daily life, Stories
I’ve been marveling that not a week goes by (sometimes not a day) without something brand new happening, that’s never happened before in the school’s 30 years. Here’s (one of) this week’s first-time happenings, an interesting cascade of...
by Jim Rietmulder | May 28, 2014 | Ideas, Parenting, Public policy
Matt likes music that sounds to me like a car crash. Recently I found solace in the softer sounds of Disney’s Frozen, sung and played (endlessly) by younger friends. 18-year-old Matt greets me with a big smile and genuine warmth; ready to engage, caring about...
by Jim Rietmulder | Apr 12, 2014 | Public policy, Stories
Professor Richardson asked 15-year-old Ian what he would most like to change about public school. With 25 people in the room, most of them graduate students and current or future teachers, here’s what Ian said earlier this week: [Ian:] I think it would be the...