Infinity and the backyard bell tower

Infinity and the backyard bell tower

Infinity and the backyard bell tower

Nature impels us to avoid death and seek infinity. Call the first a biological imperative and the second a spiritual imperative. The first is the survival instinct. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs suggests you must satisfy the first before you can do much about the...

Freedom & creativity

I don’t have a lot to say about this article by Peter Gray except to recommend it. Dr Gray cites studies indicating that creativity is one of the most-desired qualities in potential employees, and recent research indicating that creativity is declining in...
How Children Succeed

How Children Succeed

I heard most of this radio interview the other morning, with Paul Tough, author of How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity and the Hidden Power of Character, and I was thinking of The Circle School the entire time.  I wonder if Paul Tough has heard of what we do here; I...