Residents of at least the following school districts are eligible for free public school bus service to The Circle School:
- Central Dauphin School District
- Cumberland Valley School District
- Derry Township School District
- East Pennsboro School District
- Harrisburg School District
- Lower Dauphin School District
In some circumstances, other school districts may also provide transportation. Note that Camp Hill School District does not provide school bus service (although some Camp Hill mailing addresses are not in Camp Hill School District and are therefore eligible for bus service).
If you live in one of the above school districts, we’ll ask you at the time of enrollment if you want bus transportation, and submit a request to your district based on your wishes. Bus schedules and routes are determined by the public school district providing the transportation, and may take a few days to a week or more to set up, depending on your district and the time of year.
In case you need to know… School District boundaries often do NOT follow the boundaries of cities, towns, townships, and ZIP codes. For example, many Mechanicsburg mailing addresses are actually located in Cumberland Valley School District, NOT in Mechanicsburg Area School District. If you are relocating, ask your realtor or otherwise verify the school district of the locations you consider.